Welcome to our website, thank You for your attention.

Our institution has been running since 1952 in Esztergom, one of the most beautiful historical towns of Hungary.

We provide special educational activities of national competence, under ministerial maintenance.

In the system of national child care our institution ensures the correctional education, training of 10-18-year-old girls living in state-care, having grave problems of behavior and integration.

As is well-known, at the age of prepuberty and puberty, the running of maturity can be easely distracted by a disordered social environment, a badly functionning family, failures at school, negativ relationships, and many other factors, and as a consequence, these young adults are becoming deviant, antisocial and endangered to delinquency.

We have qualified specialists, psycho-pedagogues, social-pedagogues and remedial teachers to train and to take care of girls having similar problems. We can also provide them psychological and medical attendance.

The accomodation of these young adults should be initiated by the county boards-of-specialists and approved by the national board-of specialists.
The avarage period what a girl spends in our institution is a 2-year-long time.

Our goal is to help these young adults to become able to comply with basic social and human norms and rules and to acquire some other knowledge and learning that facilitate their future social- human- and family lives.

Moreover, through our developping activity, beside of handling and dissolving those disorders, we contribute to juvenile-delinquency-prevention.

The main parts of the institution are the HOME, the INTERNAL SCHOOL and the MEDICAL UNIT.

In the morning the children do their studies at the internal school. Beside of basic education, they learn houshold and agricultural matters.

Our students have the possibilty to acquire the same knowledge, that in other schools, they can learn informatics and languages as well. They do their professional practice in the practicing kichen and at the horticulture.

In the home unit, the girls live in familiar rooms (8 girls by room).

In the anfternoon, after the obligatory trainings, we offer them several types of pastime programs.

They are talented in arts and crafts, in in embriodery, in sewing, in dance and sports.
We regulary organise internal cultural- and sport competitions. Those who seem to be the most talented are often invited to national displays and competitions.

Under exchange programmes they can even go to abroad on their summer holidays, just like to Slovakia, Sweden, Germany, where tey can get brand-new knowledge and exeperiences, what can help their effective future development.

Unfortunately, these young adults are not appreciated by the sociaty.

To make this approach change we need to prove and present their worth and talent – necessitating important financial inputs.

With good intent the employees and some external individuals gave birth to an endowment called WILD FLOWERS ENDOWMENT (VADVIRÁGOK ALAPÍTVÁNY) helping with donations the up to standard accomodations and attendance of these young girls.

If, after this short introduction, you feel longing to contribute to the effective developing and appreciating of these handicapped children, we would welcome your sponsorship with pleasure.


2500 Esztergom, Budai Nagy Antal u. 40. Hungary

P.O.B.: 26.

Phone: 33/411-644

Fax: 33/414-200


Bank Account: Budapest Bank HU25-10103661-15792932-00000004

Yours sincerely,
Kanizsai Miklós


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